Types of Leave Available to Your Employees in China


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Employee leaves are an essential aspect of any employment agreement. In China, there are different types of leaves that employees can avail of, including annual leave, sick leave, maternity leave, public holidays, and other types of leave. It is crucial for both employers and employees to understand the different types of leaves available to ensure compliance with the law and the smooth operation of businesses.

This article will provide an overview of the different types of leaves that employees can avail of in China, including their eligibility criteria, entitlements, and benefits. By the end of this article, employers will gain insights on how to manage their employees’ leaves effectively, while employees will understand their rights and entitlements.


Annual Leave

Definition of annual leave

Annual leave, also known as paid vacation, is a type of leave that employees are entitled to take annually. It is designed to provide employees with time off from work for rest and relaxation, allowing them to maintain a good work-life balance. In China, the length of annual leave varies depending on the length of the employee’s service with the employer.

According to China’s Labor Law, employees who have worked for a company for one to ten years are entitled to five days of annual leave per year. For every additional year of service, the employee is entitled to an extra day of annual leave, up to a maximum of 15 days per year.

Employers are required to provide their employees with annual leave and ensure that they take it. If an employee does not use their annual leave within a specified period, the employer must pay them for the unused leave. Understanding the rules and regulations surrounding annual leave is essential for both employers and employees in China to ensure compliance with the law and the smooth operation of businesses.

Eligibility criteria for annual leave

In China, employees are entitled to annual leave, but there are eligibility criteria that they must meet to avail of this benefit. To be eligible for annual leave, an employee must have completed one year of continuous service with the employer. This means that if an employee resigns before completing one year of service, they will not be entitled to annual leave.

Additionally, employees must have a good attendance record and not have any disciplinary issues or violations of company policies. Employers have the right to refuse to grant annual leave if an employee has not met these criteria.

Moreover, annual leave entitlement is also affected by an employee’s age and the type of industry they work in. For example, employees over the age of 60 are entitled to an additional five days of annual leave per year, and those who work in hazardous or challenging industries are entitled to longer annual leave.

Employers must comply with the eligibility criteria when granting annual leave to their employees to ensure that they are providing the benefit fairly and appropriately.

Calculation of annual leave entitlement

The calculation of annual leave entitlement in China is based on an employee’s length of service with the employer. According to China’s Labor Law, employees who have worked for a company for one to ten years are entitled to five days of annual leave per year. For every additional year of service, the employee is entitled to an extra day of annual leave, up to a maximum of 15 days per year.

To calculate an employee’s annual leave entitlement, employers must consider the length of service, including any fractional years, and multiply it by the appropriate number of annual leave days. For example, an employee who has worked for a company for three and a half years would be entitled to seven days of annual leave (five days for the first year, plus one day for each additional year, up to a maximum of ten years).

Employers must accurately calculate an employee’s annual leave entitlement to avoid any legal disputes and ensure that employees are receiving the correct benefits.

Rights and benefits of employees under annual leave

Employees in China have several rights and benefits under annual leave. Firstly, they are entitled to take time off from work and receive their usual salary during this period. This allows employees to rest and recharge, promoting better physical and mental health.

Additionally, employers cannot require employees to work during their annual leave. If an employer does require an employee to work during their annual leave, they must provide compensation or reschedule the leave.

Employees also have the right to accumulate their annual leave if they are unable to take it due to work requirements or personal reasons. Employers must pay employees for any unused annual leave at the end of their employment.

Finally, employees have the right to file a complaint or seek legal action if their employer violates their annual leave entitlement or benefits. Employers who fail to comply with annual leave regulations can face legal consequences, such as fines or even criminal charges.

Understanding the rights and benefits of employees under annual leave is crucial for employers in China to maintain a positive relationship with their employees and avoid legal disputes.


Sick Leave

Definition of sick leave

Sick leave is a type of leave that employees can take when they are unable to work due to illness or injury. In China, employers are required by law to provide their employees with sick leave entitlements, allowing them to take time off work to recover from their illness or injury.

The duration of sick leave entitlements in China depends on the employee’s length of service with the employer and the severity of their illness or injury. For example, employees who have worked for a company for less than one year are entitled to three months of sick leave, while those who have worked for over ten years are entitled to six months.

During their sick leave, employees are entitled to receive their regular salary or sick pay provided by their employer, depending on their employment contract. Employers are also required to provide support and assistance to employees during their sick leave, including medical treatment and accommodation if required.

Sick leave is an essential benefit for employees in China, allowing them to recover from illness or injury without fear of losing their job or income.

Rights and benefits of employees under sick leave

Employees in China have several rights and benefits under sick leave. Firstly, they are entitled to take time off work to recover from their illness or injury without fear of losing their job or income. Employers are required to provide sick leave entitlements and pay their employees during this period.

Additionally, employers cannot terminate an employee’s contract or reduce their pay during their sick leave. If an employee’s contract is terminated during their sick leave, the employer must provide compensation and support for the employee’s medical treatment.

Employees also have the right to return to their previous position after their sick leave, without any reduction in salary or benefits. Employers are required to provide support and assistance to employees during their recovery period and make necessary workplace adjustments to accommodate their health condition.

Finally, employees have the right to file a complaint or seek legal action if their employer violates their sick leave entitlements or benefits. Employers who fail to comply with sick leave regulations can face legal consequences, such as fines or even criminal charges.

Understanding the rights and benefits of employees under sick leave is crucial for employers in China to maintain a positive relationship with their employees and avoid legal disputes.

Maternity Leave

Definition of maternity leave

Maternity leave is a type of leave that female employees can take when they are pregnant or have recently given birth. In China, employers are required by law to provide their female employees with maternity leave entitlements to support their health and well-being during pregnancy and childbirth.

Eligibility criteria for maternity leave

In China, female employees are eligible for maternity leave if they meet certain criteria. Firstly, the employee must be pregnant or have given birth to a child. The entitlements and duration of maternity leave depend on the number of children a woman has had, the type of birth, and any pregnancy complications.

Female employees who give birth to a single child are entitled to 98 days of maternity leave, while those who give birth to multiple children are entitled to additional leave. Employees who adopt children are also eligible for maternity leave, but the duration of leave entitlements may vary.

To be eligible for maternity leave, female employees must also have worked for their employer for a minimum period, which varies depending on the region and local regulations. For example, in Shanghai, female employees must have worked for their employer for at least one year to be eligible for maternity leave entitlements.

Understanding the eligibility criteria for maternity leave is crucial for employers in China to provide their female employees with the necessary support and benefits during pregnancy and childbirth. Employers who fail to comply with maternity leave regulations can face legal consequences, such as fines or even criminal charges.


Calculation of maternity leave entitlement

Maternity leave entitlements in China are calculated based on various factors, including the number of children a woman has had, the type of birth, and any pregnancy complications.

Female employees who give birth to a single child are entitled to 98 days of maternity leave, while those who give birth to multiple children are entitled to additional leave. For example, female employees who give birth to twins are entitled to an additional 15 days of maternity leave, while those who give birth to triplets are entitled to an additional 30 days.

In addition to the duration of maternity leave, female employees are entitled to receive their regular salary or maternity pay provided by their employer, depending on their employment contract. The amount of maternity pay may vary depending on the employee’s salary and the region in which they work.

Employers are required to provide female employees with maternity leave entitlements and pay them during this period. Failure to comply with maternity leave regulations can result in legal consequences for employers, such as fines or even criminal charges.

Understanding the calculation of maternity leave entitlements is crucial for employers in China to provide their female employees with the necessary support and benefits during pregnancy and childbirth.

Public Holidays

Definition of public holidays

Public holidays are days that are designated as national or local holidays in China, during which businesses and organizations are closed, and employees are entitled to take a day off work. Public holidays are an important part of the Chinese culture, and they offer an opportunity for families and friends to come together and celebrate important occasions.

Employers are required to provide their employees with a day off work during public holidays and ensure that they receive their regular salary or holiday pay for that day. Understanding the definition and significance of public holidays is crucial for employers in China to provide their employees with the necessary time off work and support during these important occasions.

Overview of public holidays in China

Public holidays play an important role in Chinese culture, providing an opportunity for families and friends to come together and celebrate important occasions. In China, there are seven national public holidays, including New Year’s Day, Chinese New Year, Tomb Sweeping Day, Labor Day, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, and National Day.

New Year’s Day is celebrated on January 1st and marks the beginning of the new year according to the Gregorian calendar. Chinese New Year, also known as Spring Festival, is the most important holiday in China and is celebrated in late January or early February. Tomb Sweeping Day is a day to pay respect to ancestors and is celebrated in early April.

Labor Day is celebrated on May 1st and is a day to recognize and honor the contributions of workers. The Dragon Boat Festival, celebrated in June, commemorates the death of an ancient Chinese poet and involves dragon boat racing and eating traditional foods.

The Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival, is celebrated in September or October and is a day to celebrate family reunion and harvest. Lastly, National Day is celebrated on October 1st and marks the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

Understanding the overview of public holidays in China is crucial for employers to ensure compliance with local regulations and provide their employees with the necessary time off work and support during these important occasions.

Rights and benefits of employees under public holidays

Employees in China are entitled to certain rights and benefits during public holidays. These benefits are designed to ensure that employees receive the necessary time off work and compensation during public holidays.

Firstly, employees are entitled to take a day off work during public holidays, and employers are required to provide them with their regular salary or holiday pay for that day. This ensures that employees are not financially burdened during public holidays and can take the necessary time off work to celebrate and spend time with their families and friends.

Secondly, employees who are required to work on public holidays are entitled to additional compensation, such as overtime pay or additional time off work. This ensures that employees who are required to work during public holidays receive fair compensation for their work and are not disadvantaged due to their work schedules.

Lastly, employers are required to comply with local regulations and provide their employees with the necessary time off work and compensation during public holidays. Failure to do so may result in legal consequences and penalties.

Understanding the rights and benefits of employees under public holidays is crucial for employers in China to provide their employees with fair and equitable treatment and comply with local regulations.

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Other Types of Leave

In addition to annual leave, sick leave, maternity leave, and public holidays, there are several other types of leave that employees may be entitled to in China.

One type of leave is bereavement leave, which allows employees to take time off work to mourn the loss of a family member or close relative. The amount of leave and the eligibility criteria vary depending on the region and local regulations.

Another type of leave is marriage leave, which allows employees to take time off work to get married or attend a close family member’s wedding. Again, the amount of leave and the eligibility criteria may vary depending on the region and local regulations.

Other types of leave include parental leave, which allows employees to take time off work to care for a newborn or adopted child, and personal leave, which allows employees to take time off work for personal reasons such as illness, family emergencies, or travel.

The eligibility criteria, amount of leave, and compensation during these types of leave may vary depending on the region and local regulations. Employers in China must comply with local regulations and provide their employees with the necessary time off work and compensation during these types of leave.


In conclusion, China provides various types of leave to ensure that employees receive the necessary time off work and compensation. Employers must understand the eligibility criteria, amount of leave, and compensation for each type of leave to comply with local regulations and provide fair and equitable treatment to their employees. By providing their employees with the necessary time off work and compensation, employers can improve employee satisfaction, retention, and overall productivity.

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