Simplifying the Tax Process in Shanghai Due to the Coronavirus Situation


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At the beginning of 2020, the sudden outbreak of pneumonia caused by the new coronavirus not only poses a threat to people’s life and health, but also an inconvenience to tax administration. In the face of the epidemic, the Shanghai tax bureau announced a series of facilitation services to help companies complete their tax obligations easily.

1. The Deadline of Tax Declaration is Postponed

During the prevention and control period, if the taxpayer has difficulty applying for the declaration within the statutory time limit due to the epidemic, they may apply for further extension in accordance with the law. If it is difficult to pay taxes on time and it meets the deferred tax payment conditions, the deferred tax payments should be granted in accordance with the law for a maximum period of three months. Taxpayers who fail to file and pay their taxes on time due to the impact of the epidemic may be exempted from overdue fines and tax administrative penalties upon confirmation from the respective tax authorities.

2. Electronic Tax Bureau

In order to reduce the risk of cross-infection from going to and from tax service sites, taxpayers can handle common businesses such as:

  • Enterprise tax
  • Individual income tax
  • Payment of basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents through Shanghai electronic tax bureau

3. Expanding the Scope of Invoice Distribution

To reduce the burden on enterprises, the government will comprehensively promote “online application and professional distribution” invoice services, expand the scope of invoice distribution further, and provide qualified taxpayers in the city with “online application and professional distribution” invoice services.

4. Government Guarantee for Direct Access

The government will provide green channel services for taxpayers and payers who produce, sell, and transport key supplies for epidemic prevention and control. The government will also handle taxes and fees as soon as possible, and fully support the stable production and supply of key supplies for epidemic prevention and control.

5. The Capacity for Follow-Up Fill

To support the steady and healthy development of service enterprises, there are various ways to enjoy the relevant tax policies, such as: “to submit on behalf of”, “to enjoy according to the application”, and “according to the list of targeted relief”. No matter what form, the tax department in the operation process will highlight the simplification of the process and the implementation of capacity, for taxpayers’ convenience.

HROne is always working hard with clients to ensure the placement of employees and to tide over difficulties with clients at special times!

Service Guarantee Commitment: Our Service Uninterrupted!

  •  Paying social insurance, housing fund, tax, and salary on time.
  •  Cooperating with clients: we will make phone calls with employees who are not local residents and have not been contacted before returning to work. Then we will record and confirm when they would return to the work city and the period time of self-isolation as required.
  •  For those employees who have been admitted before the holiday but cannot confirm the onboard time due to the epidemic after the holiday, we will communicate with clients and update the new onboard time.
  •  HROne promises to provide continuous and stable human resources services to clients and employees during the outbreak.
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