How to Relocate Employees in China


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The company operating in the airline industry had the need to relocate employees to different cities in China.

Relocate employees in other cities in China is not always a smooth ride. For this reason, our client asked our help to make everything easier.

The Challenge

The main problem when moving employees to other cities in China is the one related to the social benefits.

These social benefits are specifically related to the location where you work and they vary from city to city in China.

The client company had to move an employee from Shanghai to Beijing and they did not know how to transfer the employment relationship there, together with the social benefits account opened originally in Shanghai.

The Solution

We offered our help to the company providing support and actually managing all the process to relocate the employee.

We managed all the communication with both local governments and we helped to close the social benefits account in Shanghai and open a new one in Beijing.

The Outcome

Our support helped the client to solve a problem that could have caused not only monetary losses but also losses in terms of time spent dealing with local governments.

The HR manager was impressed by our efficiency and responsiveness when dealing with the local governments.

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