Top  5 Best Job Sites in China


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Finding and hiring the perfect candidates in China can be a bit tricky for folks from other countries. This is because there are cultural differences, rules and regulations, and unique market conditions to consider. If you’re a foreign company trying to set up shop in China and want to build a great team, it’s vital to get the hiring process right. Why? Because it can directly affect how well your business thrives in the Chinese market.

So, how do you go about finding the best people for your company? And if you’re a foreigner looking for jobs in China, how can you apply and land a job here? Let’s look at the job websites in China. It’s worth noting that our seasoned team of recruiters has access to a vast network of professionals spanning different industries in China, ensuring that we can identify the ideal candidate to meet your specific job criteria.

job search websites


Zhaopin, a prominent Chinese job website, has been a catalyst for career growth and recruitment in China since its establishment in 1994. With nearly three decades of experience, it has become a trusted platform for job seekers and employers alike, offering a comprehensive suite of services tailored to the dynamic Chinese job market.

Zhaopin’s user-centric approach has garnered a staggering 230 million employee users and facilitated connections with over 6.16 million enterprises across China. This extensive reach is a testament to its effectiveness in bridging job seekers with employers.Zhaopin offers a comprehensive range of services tailored to meet the diverse needs of job seekers and recruiters in China. These services encompass online recruitment, campus recruitment, headhunting services, recruitment partnerships, corporate training, and talent evaluation.

This wide array of offerings ensures that Zhaopin addresses the various facets of the job market, from recent graduates to high-level professionals.


One another leading Chinese job website is 51job. As a leading online job platform in China, 51job serves as a central hub for job seekers to explore a diverse array of employment opportunities across various sectors and geographic locations. The platform empowers job seekers to seamlessly peruse job listings, submit applications, and manage their job-seeking activities through an intuitive interface.

Beyond facilitating job searches, 51job provides valuable resources for career growth. It equips job seekers with tools and services for crafting compelling resumes and preparing for interviews, thereby enhancing their prospects of securing desired positions. For individuals in the early stages of their careers or those transitioning between roles, 51job offers tailored guidance and support to navigate the complexities of the job market effectively.

Employers also reap the benefits of 51job’s comprehensive suite of recruitment solutions. They can post job openings, gain access to a pool of highly qualified candidates, and leverage the platform’s applicant tracking system to streamline their hiring procedures. Additionally, 51job extends its services to encompass campus recruitment and headhunting, empowering employers to efficiently target specific talent pools.

51job’s commitment to technological innovation is manifest in its user-centric approach. The platform remains accessible across various devices, including personal computers and smartphones, ensuring convenience for users regardless of their location. Moreover, 51job harnesses the power of data analytics and artificial intelligence to deliver personalized job recommendations, thereby elevating the precision and efficiency of job matching.

In summary, 51job plays an integral role in China’s job market by seamlessly connecting job seekers with employers through its user-friendly platform and an extensive array of services. Whether you are a recent graduate, a seasoned professional, or an employer seeking top-tier talent, 51job offers an invaluable and streamlined avenue for navigating China’s competitive job landscape. With its unwavering commitment to innovation and user satisfaction, 51job remains a preferred resource for career advancement and recruitment in China.


BOSS直聘, commonly known as “BOSS Zhipin,” is a prominent Chinese job search and recruitment platform established in 2014. Renowned for its mobile-centric approach, BOSS直聘 offers an intuitive smartphone app interface that simplifies job hunting and hiring processes. The platform caters to a diverse array of job seekers, spanning white-collar professionals to blue-collar workers across various industries. One of its standout features is the direct communication it fosters between job seekers and employers, streamlining the application and hiring experience.

BOSS直聘 utilizes AI algorithms to match candidates with suitable job opportunities, enhancing the chances of finding the perfect fit. With a growing user base and a strong presence in the Chinese job market, BOSS直聘 continues to play a vital role in connecting job seekers with prospective employers.


Liepin is a prominent and well-established Chinese job website, often referred to as the “LinkedIn of China.” Founded in 2004, Liepin has gained significant recognition and popularity within the country’s job market. Using advanced AI technology, Liepin assists users in finding job opportunities that align with their skills and aspirations. It also promotes professional networking, allowing users to create detailed profiles, connect with peers, and access career development resources. 

Moreover, Liepin provides insights into salary trends and market conditions, aiding both job seekers and employers in making informed decisions. With a mobile app for on-the-go access and corporate services for recruiters, Liepin is a crucial platform that facilitates connections and empowers individuals and businesses in navigating China’s dynamic job market.


“HiredChina” is a dedicated platform designed to facilitate the employment of foreigners in China. It serves as a valuable resource for international job seekers looking to secure positions within the country. The platform offers an extensive array of job listings spanning diverse industries and geographic locations in China. Additionally, HiredChina provides comprehensive support throughout the job search and relocation process.

This support includes services like resume assistance, job matching, guidance on visa applications and legal requirements, cultural resources to aid with adaptation, and career development resources. By offering practical help with housing, banking, and insurance, HiredChina strives to streamline the transition for foreigners seeking employment opportunities in China, making it an essential tool for those embarking on this career journey.

If your aim is to recruit senior managers or professionals with strong English language skills, your top choices would be LinkedIn and Liepin. For fresh graduates and entry-level positions, BOSS Zhipin might be the more suitable option.

job sites in china

Eligibility Requirement to Work in China

  1. He or she must be 18 years of age or older and in good health;
  2. The person must have professional skills and job experience required for the work of intended employment;
  3. He or she must not have a criminal record;
  4. The person must have a clearly-defined employer;
  5. The person must hold a valid passport or other international travel documents in place of a passport.

Employment Offer: You must have a valid job offer from a Chinese employer or company. The employer will typically provide you with a formal employment contract specifying your role, salary, and other terms of employment.

How HROne can help you?

Our dedicated China Recruitment Headhunting Service is designed to locate and engage with top-level professionals who possess the capabilities to propel your company’s growth and achievements. HROne has meticulously cultivated an expansive network encompassing professionals, industry authorities, and extensive contacts all over China. This broad outreach empowers us to tap into a diverse talent pool spanning a wide array of sectors and industries. Whether you require executives, managers, or specialized professionals, our network and connections grant us access to both active and passive candidates who might not be readily accessible through conventional recruitment channels.


In conclusion, the process of finding and hiring suitable candidates in China can be complex due to cultural differences, regulations, and market dynamics. To succeed in the Chinese market, getting the hiring process right is crucial. Job search websites in China play a important  role in this endeavor, connecting job seekers with employers and offering a wide range of services to facilitate the job search and recruitment process. 

Platforms like Zhaopin, 51job, BOSS Zhipin, Liepin, and HiredChina cater to diverse needs, from experienced professionals to recent graduates and even foreigners looking to work in China. These platforms provide valuable resources, streamline job matching, and contribute significantly to the efficiency of China’s competitive job landscape, making them essential tools for both employers and job seekers in the country.

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