HROne is Now ISO 27001 Certified for Information Security Management


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HROne has now become certified of the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 for Information Security Management Systems, which encompasses Business Consulting and Outsourcing Services.

As a consulting company, we hold true to the belief that we must keep the information assets secure under all circumstances, taking stringent measures to ensure that none of our confidential information is breached We hold great pride in our ISMS (Information Security Management System) certification, as it is a statement that we uphold our client’s trust in our ability to maintain the upmost security of their intellectual property, employee details, financial information, and all other confidential information.

The ISMS certification represents a certainty that the employees, processes, and the IT systems that we utilize here at HROne conforms worth the standard risk management processes set forth by the International Standardization Organization (ISO) while also following the systematic approach of managing our client’s sensitive information.

HROne is also an ISO 9001:2015 certified organization, and all our HR services and solution in the business process outsourcing and knowledge process outsourcing domain comply towards the certification.

This certification honors our commitment to keep consistently meeting and excelling our clients’ requirements by delivering high-quality and satisfactory services.

In addition, it provides credibility to our management’s commitment and motivation to follow the standard procedures for constantly improving the quality of our management ideals, further reinforcing a heavily client-oriented profession.

Why Did We Choose the ISO Certification?

As an international service company, we often receive clients from all across the globe. Thus, a common challenge that we often find ourselves facing is how do we provide the optimal levels of quality service to our clients? How do we guarantee that our “good intentions” will become “good quality”? How would our people and procedures meet the increasingly rigorous standards of international business?

Transparency in China

China is quite infamously known as a nation that hosts a rather non-transparent, even at times a corrupt background within its business environment. While the business scene has improved over the recent years, a good number of foreign companies are still “afraid” of doing business in China; that is to say, they have a rather hard time trusting local partners/companies/agencies.

This is why we here at HROne have gone to great lengths to obtaining our ISO certification in order to ensure that our clients have 100% transparency and confidence from us. We believe that our clients deserve a transparent image of the company before making any partnership with us. We want to provide our clients with the peace of mind when doing business in China, safe in the knowledge that they are receiving the best services that China has to offer.

Consistency and Quality control

As HROne has grown over the last few years, we have constantly striven to deliver a consistent quality that have meet the exacting standards of our client, continuing to grow as we continue to meet the various needs of our clients. Yet growth in any company can come with its own issues, chef among them is the potential lapse in our performance quality.

Thus, this has led us to implement procedures to prevent any reduction in the quality of our work; the idea of “Quality at Every Step”. For every single project under our care, we inspect every document and methodology, putting these items through rigorous testing, closely reviewing our operational services ever step of the way.

This process has allowed us to change some of our procedures to ensure superior quality control and scalability, tweaking them so that it would ensure a speedier delivery, and continue to improve upon areas of accountability.  As a result, we’ve undergone quite the learning curve, continuing our efforts to maintain focus upon improving our metrics, the satisfaction of our customers, and providing superior qualities of client service and transparency across our company.

Through our centers of operations, we have become increasingly rigorous about the quality of our services and the scrutiny in our adherences to leaps and bounds of the business.

Every one of our employees have a thorough understanding of their own individual responsibilities to the customer, with little hesitation or assumption making thanks to our in-depth pre-approval formats. Each individual delivery follows a pre-agreed checklist that ensures that our services adhere to the quality levels straight from the beginning of the process.

Final Output

At the beginning, we had laid out many expectations as part of our ISO quality drive. Now, these expectations have become our standard, as we’ve incorporated all these aspects into our everyday operations, such as:

  • HROnes’ ISO 9001:2015 certification reinforces our commitment to continually improve upon our methods and continue to motivate us in serving and furthering the interests of our clients, while we continue to pave the way for further refinements in all our services.
  • In addition, we are ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certified, which helps us to ensure that every one of our client’s information is secure and dealt with in the utmost confidentiality.

Contact us to find out how our services help you design a quality process that will benefit your projects and further bolster your profits.

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