HROne Is Analyzing and Disseminating Operating Efficiencies With Robust Business Services and Solutions: GoodFirms


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The article below is contributed by Goodfirms, a B2B research and reviews firm based in Washington, D.C. The article analyzes the business and services offered by HROne, using also excerpts from the interview of our CEO with Goodfirms.

Incorporated in 2005 and based in Shanghai, HROne is a rare non-state-owned but fully accredited foreign enterprise service business in China (CN FESCO). Its’ bi-lingual team serves the clients with high-level quality, docile methods, efficient local accomplishment, tailor-made services, and cost-effective results.

Moreover, HROne specializes in chartering payroll solutions (employee leasing/employment services/PEO/employer record) and providing compulsory benefits management. HROne targets global SMEs (the local headcounts 1 to 500) and startups as vital customers.

In addition to this, the PEO service (employ employees on behalf of clients) allows the representative office (Rep Office) or foreign businesses who have no local legal existence, safety, or legally hire Chinese employees in China.

HROne’s front offices are established in Shanghai, Beijing, and San Jose (of USA) and have many partner agencies globally.

Handling HR and payroll in China doesn’t have to be complicated. HROne, therefore, helps companies by reducing this burden, enabling them to focus on business growth.

How was HROne born?

Chunjie Chen, the CEO at HROne, became the living example of a traditional entrepreneurial spirit that pivoted an employee to become a businessperson and a consulting partner with the clients on the same day. In 2005, he started the journey towards more outstanding achievements after working for 20 years for multinational companies in China.

Chunjie Chen is a visionary with self-belief, a positive mindset; a how-to make things work attitude, and a commendable work ethic.  HROne is rooted in the inner desire to do more and be more, a traditional trait of an entrepreneur.

Working in HR, Chunjie realized that entering and operating in China wasn’t as easy as for big companies for many foreign investors. He endeavored to see and fill the gaps rather than changing nothing. Indeed, a must-know man of vision for the service seekers at GoodFirms – here’s the excerpt from Chunjie’s interview:

Talking about the idea behind the commencement of business, Chunjie mentions that small and medium companies usually do not have an internal HR team that can manage all the employment provisions, but not doing this can lead to issues with the Chinese government. Ergo, Chunjie founded the company to reduce the HR burden on these companies and allow them to operate in China more effortlessly and low-risk, having the same opportunities as more prominent companies.

When asked about the company’s model, Chunjie beams that HROne has a combination of in-house and outsourcing teams. The organization uses the in-house team to support the clients in all HR and payroll matters directly, and it also outsources to other third-party vendors. For example, in the case of visas for foreign workers, HROne takes the support of local providers in different cities to serve the clients’ needs in a better way.

An HR unit is a critical segment of any business in China. It becomes even more critical for foreign companies because there are different perspectives like payroll, benefits, taxes, and hiring in China compared to other countries.

Hiring domestic staff to maintain HR or buying HR software can become valuable, especially for SMEs entering China. A foreign business has to learn everything about professional laws, payroll, and taxes to become compliant.

The team saves costs and time by eliminating investment in software and internal resources. The HR experts will help business people have exemplary practices to help limit their liability. The team will support every HR-related issue from employment to payroll.

What does HROne do?

HROne administers customized and end-to-end payroll solutions at a reasonable rate for worldwide SMEs and startups in Mainland China. The team ensures all employers’ responsibilities are complied with according to the local ordinances. Thus, backed by the team of such expert recruiters, HROne gets dubbed as one of the top HR outsourcing companies in China at GoodFirms.

The review obtained at GoodFirms confirms the quality of recruiting services rendered by HROne.

The professionals cater to clients with all employment, HR, administrative and legal matters outsourced to HROne; the end-user can physically exist in China without setting up a legal entity.

The client customizes the employment package according to the given requirements, while HROne focuses on all acquiescence and on-boarding aspects, enabling the client to concentrate on the primary business operations.

The payroll experts will compute clients’ monthly salaries by applicable regional HR laws, taxation, and labor regulations. Furthermore, the team declares that clients’ employees’ individual income taxes contribute all employee social benefits to local authorities.

The team strives to give an extra level of reassurance that payroll services, methods, and IT systems in China are reviewed and certified by the ISO 27001 information security standard. This certification honors HROne’s commitment to keep and consistently meet the clients’ requirements by producing high-quality and satisfactory services.

Thus, providing such robust services, HROne gets entitled as one of the best accounting companies at GoodFirms.

In conclusion, Chunjie Chen mentions that the customer satisfaction rate is 95%. The foremost thing in the business is to operate very closely with the clients. Changes in the regulations about HR and payroll in China can create problems for the clients. The professionals make sure to inform the clients whenever there is a new regulation or an update to take the measures to be compliant. They are also always available whenever they meet problems with their employees by helping them mitigate the communication between clients and Chinese local governments.

Chunjie mentions that the future of HROne will be shining high, being grounded to the core values. The core team is competent, qualified, and ready to help the clients with their evolving needs. He also mentions that the group is usually open to discussing the requirements and budget directly with the potential client to customize solutions as per their needs.

Thus, having read the excerpt from Chunjie’s interview, one can also go through the detailed interview published at GoodFirms.

About GoodFirms

Washington, D.C.-based GoodFirms is a maverick B2B research and reviews firm that aligns its efforts in finding HR and accounting agencies delivering unparalleled services to its clients. GoodFirms’ extensive research process ranks the companies, boosts their online reputation and helps service seekers pick the right technology partner that meets their business needs.

About the author

Working as a Content Writer at GoodFirms, Anna Stark bridges the gap between service seekers and service providers. Anna’s dominant role lingers to form every company’s achievement and critical attributes into words. She strongly believes in the charm of words and equips new approaches that work, always with concepts, something new to create, and something unique to enhance the firm’s identity.

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