Company Culture in China: How to Incorporate Diversity and Inclusivity


Table of Contents

The Importance of Company Culture

Diversity and inclusivity are increasingly becoming important factors in creating a successful workplace. A diverse and inclusive company culture not only benefits employees but also has a positive impact on the overall success of the business. The purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive guide on how to incorporate diversity and inclusivity into your company culture. Whether you’re just starting on your diversity and inclusivity journey, or you’re looking to enhance existing efforts, this article will provide practical advice and guidance. 

company culture china

Assess Your Current Company Culture 

Importance of understanding current company culture 

Understanding your current company culture is an essential first step in creating a diverse and inclusive workplace. This allows you to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. It also provides a baseline for measuring progress and determining the impact of your diversity and inclusivity efforts. Understanding your current company culture can be achieved through various methods, such as employee surveys, focus groups, and diversity audits. Employee feedback is crucial in this process as it provides insight into their experiences and perceptions of the company culture. This information can help you understand what’s working well and what needs to be changed to create a more inclusive and diverse workplace. By taking the time to understand your current company culture, you can lay the foundation for a successful and impactful diversity and inclusivity journey. 

Steps to assess current diversity and inclusivity efforts 

Assessing your current diversity and inclusivity efforts is a crucial step in understanding your company culture and identifying areas for improvement. Some steps you can take to assess your current efforts include: 

(1) Employee Surveys: Conduct anonymous surveys to gather employees’ perceptions of the company culture and their experiences with diversity and inclusivity. 

(2) Focus Groups: Organize focus groups with employees from different backgrounds to discuss their experiences and opinions on the company’s diversity and inclusivity efforts. 

(3) Diversity Audits: Conduct a diversity audit of your company’s policies, practices, and systems to determine their impact on diversity and inclusivity. 

(4) Review of HR Data: Analyze HR data, such as employee demographic information, promotion rates, and turnover rates, to identify potential diversity and inclusivity issues. 

By taking these steps, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of your current company culture and the impact of your diversity and inclusivity efforts. This information can be used to set clear goals and objectives and develop a comprehensive diversity and inclusivity plan. 

Examples of questions to ask employees and leaders 

Gathering feedback from employees and leaders is an important part of assessing your current diversity and inclusivity efforts. Some examples of questions to ask include: 

(1) Employees: 

  • How do you perceive the company culture in terms of diversity and inclusivity? 
  • Do you feel valued and respected in the workplace? 
  • Have you experienced any barriers or challenges related to diversity and inclusivity in the workplace? 

(2) Leaders: 

  • How do you prioritize diversity and inclusivity in your leadership approach? 
  • What steps have you taken to create a diverse and inclusive workplace? 
  • How do you address diversity and inclusivity issues when they arise? 

By asking these questions, you can gather valuable feedback from employees and leaders and gain a better understanding of the company culture and diversity and inclusivity efforts. This information can be used to identify areas for improvement and develop effective strategies for promoting diversity and inclusivity in the workplace. 

Set Clear Goals and Objectives 

Explanation of the need for clear goals and objectives 

Having clear goals and objectives is crucial for creating a successful and impactful diversity and inclusivity plan. It provides direction and focuses for your efforts, allowing you to measure progress and determine the impact of your initiatives. Clear goals and objectives also help to engage employees and leaders, as they have a clear understanding of what is expected of them. 

When setting goals and objectives, it’s important to be specific, measurable, and time-bound. For example, a goal could be to increase the representation of underrepresented groups in leadership positions within the next two years. Objectives can include specific actions and initiatives to achieve that goal, such as implementing diversity and inclusion training for leaders, increasing outreach to underrepresented communities, and providing mentorship programs for employees from underrepresented groups. 

By having clear goals and objectives, you can ensure that your diversity and inclusivity efforts are aligned with the overall mission and vision of your company and that they have a tangible and meaningful impact. 

The importance of setting measurable targets 

Setting measurable targets is a crucial component of creating a successful and impactful diversity and inclusivity plan. Measurable targets provide a clear way to track progress and determine the impact of your efforts. They also help to ensure that your diversity and inclusivity initiatives are aligned with the overall mission and vision of your company. 

When setting measurable targets, it’s important to choose metrics that are relevant to your goals and objectives. For example, if your goal is to increase the representation of underrepresented groups in leadership positions, a relevant metric could be the percentage of underrepresented employees in leadership positions. 

Measurable targets also provide accountability and help engage employees and leaders. By having specific, measurable targets, employees and leaders can understand the impact of their efforts and feel a sense of ownership and responsibility for achieving the desired outcomes. 

Examples of diversity and inclusivity goals 

Diversity and inclusivity goals are crucial for creating a successful and impactful diversity and inclusivity plan. Here are some examples of diversity and inclusivity goals: 

(1) Increasing Representation: A goal to increase the representation of underrepresented groups in the workplace, such as women, people of color, and members of the LGBTQ+ community. 

(2) Promoting Inclusivity: A goal to create a workplace where all employees feel valued and respected, regardless of their background. This could include initiatives such as diversity and inclusion training and establishing employee resource groups. 

(3) Improving Retention: A goal to reduce turnover among underrepresented groups and improve retention rates by creating a supportive and inclusive workplace culture. 

(4) Developing Diversity and Inclusivity Strategies: A goal to develop and implement comprehensive diversity and inclusivity strategies that align with the overall mission and vision of the company. 

(5) Enhancing Employee Engagement: A goal to increase employee engagement by creating a workplace that values and respects diversity and promotes inclusivity. 

These are just a few examples of diversity and inclusivity goals that organizations can set to create a successful and impactful diversity and inclusivity plan. It’s important to tailor these goals to your specific organization and ensure that they align with the overall mission and vision of the company. 

diversity and inclusivity company

Create and Implement a Diversity and Inclusivity Plan 

Explanation of what a diversity and inclusivity plan is 

A diversity and inclusivity plan is a comprehensive strategy for promoting diversity and inclusivity in the workplace. It outlines specific goals, objectives, and initiatives aimed at creating a supportive and inclusive workplace culture that values and respects diversity. A diversity and inclusivity plan typically includes strategies for increasing representation, promoting inclusivity, improving retention, developing diversity and inclusivity strategies, and enhancing employee engagement. The goal of a diversity and inclusivity plan is to create a workplace where all employees feel valued and respected, regardless of their background. 

The role of HR and leaders in creating a plan 

HR and leaders play a crucial role in creating a successful and impactful diversity and inclusivity plan. HR is responsible for developing and implementing the plan, while leaders are responsible for promoting a culture of diversity and inclusivity and ensuring that the plan is aligned with the overall mission and vision of the company. Leaders must also lead by example and be champions of diversity and inclusivity in the workplace. HR and leaders need to work closely together to ensure that the diversity and inclusivity plan is comprehensive, effective, and aligned with the overall goals and objectives of the organization. 

Examples of steps to take in creating a plan 

Creating a diversity and inclusivity plan requires a comprehensive approach that includes several key steps: 

(1) Assessing the current company culture: Understanding your current company culture is the first step in creating a successful diversity and inclusivity plan. 

(2) Setting clear goals and objectives: Setting specific, measurable goals and objectives is essential for creating a successful and impactful plan. 

(3) Engaging employees and leaders: Engaging employees and leaders is crucial for creating a supportive and inclusive workplace culture. 

(4) Developing and implementing initiatives: Developing and implementing initiatives that support your diversity and inclusivity goals is essential for creating a successful and impactful plan. 

(5) Tracking progress and measuring success: Measuring progress and success is crucial for determining the impact of your efforts and making necessary adjustments. 

By following these steps, organizations can create a comprehensive, effective, and impactful diversity and inclusivity plan that promotes a supportive and inclusive workplace culture. 

Foster a Culture of Inclusion 

Explanation of why a culture of inclusion is important 

A culture of inclusivity is essential for creating a workplace where all employees feel valued and respected, regardless of their background. A culture of inclusivity promotes a sense of belonging, enhances employee engagement, and improves overall job satisfaction. It also helps to attract and retain top talent, fosters innovation and creativity, and enhances the overall reputation of the company. In short, a culture of inclusivity is crucial for creating a successful and impactful workplace that values and respects diversity, promotes equality, and helps organizations achieve their goals and objectives. 

Ways to promote a culture of inclusivity in the workplace 

(1) Diversity and inclusion training: Providing training and education on diversity and inclusivity can help employees understand the importance of valuing and respecting diversity. 

(2) Employee resource groups: Establishing employee resource groups can help promote a sense of belonging and support among employees from underrepresented groups. 

(3) Inclusive recruitment and selection processes: Adopting inclusive recruitment and selection processes can help increase representation and promote diversity in the workplace. 

(4) Flexible work arrangements: Offering flexible work arrangements, such as telecommuting and flexible schedules, can help create a more inclusive and supportive workplace culture. 

(5) Encouraging open and respectful communication: Encouraging open and respectful communication can help promote a culture of inclusivity and respect for diversity in the workplace. 

By implementing these initiatives, organizations can promote a culture of inclusivity in the workplace and create a supportive and inclusive workplace culture that values and respects diversity. 

Provide Employee Training and Education 

The role of HR and leaders in providing training and education 

HR and leaders play a critical role in providing training and education on diversity and inclusivity. They are responsible for creating and implementing effective training programs that help employees understand the importance of valuing and respecting diversity. HR and leaders should also ensure that the training programs are relevant, accessible, and engaging for all employees. Additionally, they should create a supportive environment that encourages employees to participate in the training programs and promote a culture of continuous learning and improvement. 

Examples of types of training and education to provide 

(1) Diversity and inclusion training: This type of training helps employees understand the importance of valuing and respecting diversity and provides them with the skills and knowledge they need to create a supportive and inclusive workplace culture. 

(2) Unconscious bias training: This type of training helps employees recognize and overcome biases that may impact their interactions with colleagues. 

(3) Cross-cultural communication training: This type of training helps employees understand how cultural differences can impact communication and provides them with the skills and knowledge they need to communicate effectively with colleagues from different cultures. 

(4) Diversity and inclusion workshops: Diversity and inclusion workshops provide employees with opportunities to learn about and discuss topics related to diversity and inclusivity in a supportive and engaging environment. 

By providing these types of training and education, organizations can help employees understand the importance of valuing and respecting diversity, and create a supportive and inclusive workplace culture that values and respects diversity. 

Monitor and Evaluate Progress 

Explanation of why monitoring and evaluation are important 

Monitoring and evaluation are important because it helps organizations measure their progress toward creating a supportive and inclusive workplace culture. By tracking metrics such as employee engagement, turnover rates, and representation of underrepresented groups, organizations can identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments. Additionally, monitoring and evaluation can help organizations identify best practices and promote continuous learning and improvement. 

Steps to monitor and evaluate diversity and inclusivity efforts 

(1) Establish metrics: Identify relevant metrics such as employee engagement, representation of underrepresented groups, and turnover rates. 

(2) Conduct regular assessments: Regularly assess the metrics to track progress and identify areas for improvement. 

(3) Solicit feedback from employees: Gather feedback from employees on the diversity and inclusivity efforts and make necessary adjustments. 

(4) Review policies and practices: Regularly review policies and practices to ensure that they support diversity and inclusivity. 

(5) Engage in continuous learning and improvement: Continuously seek out new ways to promote diversity and inclusivity and make necessary improvements. 


In conclusion, incorporating diversity and inclusivity into a company culture is crucial for creating a workplace where all employees feel valued and respected. To achieve this, organizations must first understand their current company culture and assess their current diversity and inclusivity efforts. This includes setting clear goals and objectives and creating a plan with measurable targets. HR and leaders play an important role in promoting a culture of inclusivity by providing training and education, and by continuously monitoring and evaluating their efforts. By following these steps, organizations can create a supportive and inclusive workplace culture that promotes diversity and allows all employees to thrive. 

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