Digital Recruitment in China: 4 Best Practices


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Digital Recruitment: the modern way

Digital recruitment has become a vital aspect of the modern job market, as more and more companies are turning to technology to find and hire the best talent. With the rise of the internet and social media, the traditional methods of recruitment have become obsolete, and companies need to adapt to new technologies in order to stay competitive. The purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive overview of the best practices in digital recruitment, helping companies to achieve success in their hiring efforts. From utilizing social media platforms to providing a positive candidate experience, this article will explore the essential steps to take in order to attract, engage and retain top talent in the digital age.  

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Best Practice 1: Utilizing Social Media Platforms 

Explanation of how social media platforms can help with recruitment 

Social media platforms have become an integral part of our daily lives, and this is also true for the job market. These platforms can help companies to reach a large and diverse pool of potential candidates, by showcasing their company culture, values and job opportunities to a wider audience. Social media platforms also offer recruiters the ability to target specific demographics, such as age, education, location, and interests, making it easier to find the right candidates for the job. 

In addition, social media can help to build a strong brand image and reputation, making it easier to attract top talent. Companies can share their values, mission and vision through social media, and also engage with their current and potential employees to foster a sense of community and belonging. Social media also enables companies to showcase their company culture and work environment, helping potential candidates to get a better idea of what it would be like to work for the company. 

Another benefit of using social media for recruitment is that it provides a cost-effective and time-efficient way to reach a large number of candidates. With the ability to target specific demographics, companies can save on the costs of advertising in traditional media and focus on reaching the right people at the right time. Furthermore, social media platforms offer a more informal and relaxed environment, making it easier for recruiters to build relationships with potential candidates and engage in two-way communication. 

Benefits of using social media platforms 

There are several benefits to using social media platforms for recruitment. Firstly, social media offers companies a cost-effective and time-efficient way to reach a large pool of potential candidates. By targeting specific demographics such as age, education, location, and interests, companies can save on the costs of advertising in traditional media and focus on reaching the right people at the right time. 

Secondly, social media can help companies to build a strong brand image and reputation. By showcasing their company culture, values, and job opportunities, companies can attract top talent and make a positive first impression. This can also help to foster a sense of community and belonging, as companies can engage with their current and potential employees through social media. 

Thirdly, social media provides a more informal and relaxed environment for recruiters to connect with potential candidates. Recruiters can build relationships with potential candidates and engage in two-way communication, helping to find the best fit for the job. 

In addition, social media platforms can also provide valuable data and insights about potential candidates, such as their job preferences, career aspirations, and personal interests, allowing companies to make informed hiring decisions

Examples of social media platforms to use 

There are several social media platforms that companies can use for recruitment purposes. Some of the most popular ones include: 

LinkedIn: LinkedIn is the largest professional networking platform and a valuable tool for recruiters to find and connect with potential candidates. Companies can post job opportunities, showcase their brand, and engage with potential candidates through the platform. 

Facebook: Facebook can be used to target a large and diverse audience, and companies can create a career page on the platform to showcase their brand and job opportunities. 

Twitter: Twitter is a fast-paced platform that can be used to share job opportunities and company news in real-time. Companies can also engage with potential candidates by using hashtags and participating in relevant conversations. 

Instagram: Instagram is a visually-driven platform that can be used to showcase the company culture and work environment. Companies can use Instagram to share behind-the-scenes photos, employee testimonials, and job opportunities. 

Best Practice 2: Implementing an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) 

Explanation of ATS 

An Applicant Tracking System (ATS) is a software used by companies to manage and streamline their recruitment process. The ATS automates many of the manual tasks involved in recruitment, such as resume screening, scheduling interviews, and tracking applicants. By using an ATS, companies can save time and resources, and make their recruitment process more efficient and effective. 

An ATS allows companies to receive and store resumes in a centralized database, making it easier to access and manage candidate information. It also enables companies to screen resumes based on specific criteria, such as skills, education, and work experience, and to shortlist the most suitable candidates for the job. 

In addition, an ATS provides valuable data and insights about the recruitment process, such as the number of applicants, time-to-hire, and cost-per-hire, allowing companies to make informed decisions and optimize their recruitment efforts. 

Benefits of using an ATS 

An Applicant Tracking System (ATS) provides several benefits to companies in their recruitment efforts. The benefits include: streamlining the recruitment process, automating manual tasks, improving efficiency and effectiveness, providing centralized storage of candidate information, enabling resume screening based on specific criteria, providing valuable data and insights, and reducing time and resources spent on recruitment. The use of an ATS can greatly benefit companies in their efforts to attract, engage, and retain top talent. 

Features to look for when choosing an ATS 

When choosing an Applicant Tracking System (ATS), there are several features to look for to ensure that it meets the needs of your company. These features include: ease of use, integration with other systems, resume parsing, candidate sourcing and tracking, communication tools, reporting and analytics, and customizable workflows. Additionally, it is important to consider the level of support and customer service offered by the vendor, as well as the cost and scalability of the system. Choosing the right ATS with the right features can greatly benefit a company’s recruitment process. 

modern recruitment

Best Practice 3: Creating a Mobile-Friendly Career Site 

Explanation of the importance of a mobile-friendly career site 

A mobile-friendly career site is important in today’s world where the majority of job seekers use their mobile devices to search for job opportunities. A mobile-friendly career site provides a seamless and convenient user experience for job seekers, who can access the site and apply for job opportunities from anywhere, at any time. 

Having a mobile-friendly career site can also improve a company’s recruitment efforts, as it allows them to reach a larger and more diverse pool of potential candidates. A mobile-friendly site can also help to showcase the company’s brand and culture, making a positive first impression on potential candidates. 

Moreover, a mobile-friendly career site can also provide valuable data and insights about job seekers, such as their preferences, location, and device usage, allowing companies to make informed decisions about their recruitment efforts. 

Benefits of having a mobile-friendly career site 

Having a mobile-friendly career site offers several benefits to companies in their recruitment efforts. Some of the benefits include: 

Increased reach: A mobile-friendly career site allows companies to reach a larger and more diverse pool of potential candidates, who can access the site and apply for job opportunities from anywhere, at any time. 

Improved brand representation: A mobile-friendly career site can help to showcase the company’s brand and culture, making a positive first impression on potential candidates. 

Enhanced user experience: A mobile-friendly career site provides a seamless and convenient user experience for job seekers, who can easily access the site and apply for job opportunities from their mobile devices. 

Valuable data and insights: A mobile-friendly career site can provide valuable data and insights about job seekers, such as their preferences, location, and device usage, allowing companies to make informed decisions about their recruitment efforts. 

Examples of companies with successful mobile-friendly career sites 

Several companies have successfully implemented mobile-friendly career sites to enhance their recruitment efforts. Some examples include: 

Amazon: Amazon’s mobile-friendly career site allows job seekers to easily search and apply for job opportunities from their mobile devices. The site also provides information about the company’s culture, benefits, and diversity initiatives, making it an attractive option for potential candidates. 

Google: Google’s mobile-friendly career site showcases the company’s innovative and inclusive culture, and allows job seekers to easily search and apply for job opportunities from their mobile devices. 

Walmart: Walmart’s mobile-friendly career site provides a seamless user experience for job seekers, allowing them to easily search and apply for job opportunities from their mobile devices. The site also provides information about the company’s culture, benefits, and diversity initiatives. 

Best Practice 4: Providing a Positive Candidate Experience 

Explanation of the importance of a positive candidate experience 

A positive candidate experience is important in today’s competitive job market, where job seekers have a range of options and are more likely to choose a company that provides a positive and seamless experience. A positive candidate experience can also have a positive impact on a company’s reputation and brand image, as job seekers are likely to share their experiences with others, either through word of mouth or through online reviews. 

Moreover, a positive candidate experience can also increase the likelihood of job seekers accepting job offers, as well as improve their engagement and motivation once they start working for the company. This, in turn, can lead to improved retention rates and reduced turnover, saving the company time and resources in the long run. 

Benefits of providing a positive candidate experience 

Improved reputation and brand image: A positive candidate experience can have a positive impact on a company’s reputation and brand image, as job seekers are likely to share their experiences with others. 

Increased likelihood of acceptance: A positive candidate experience can increase the likelihood of job seekers accepting job offers, as they are more likely to choose a company that provides a positive and seamless experience. 

Improved engagement and motivation: A positive candidate experience can improve job seekers’ engagement and motivation once they start working for the company, leading to improved retention rates and reduced turnover. 

Cost savings: Improving retention rates and reducing turnover can save a company time and resources in the long run. 

Examples of companies with successful candidate experience practices 

Several companies have successfully implemented best practices to enhance their candidate experience. Some examples include: 

Google: Google is known for its innovative and inclusive culture, and also provides a positive candidate experience. The company uses data and technology to make the recruitment process more efficient and streamlined, while also ensuring that candidates are treated with respect and professionalism. 

Zappos: Zappos, an online retailer, places a strong emphasis on its company culture and provides a positive candidate experience by offering a fun and engaging interview process, as well as providing clear and consistent communication throughout the recruitment process. 

Patagonia: Patagonia, an outdoor clothing company, places a strong emphasis on sustainability and social responsibility, and also provides a positive candidate experience. The company uses a candidate-centric approach and offers a comprehensive onboarding process to ensure that new hires are well-prepared and supported in their new roles. 


In conclusion, digital recruitment has become an essential part of the recruitment process for companies today. By leveraging social media platforms, applicant tracking systems (ATS), mobile-friendly career sites, and providing a positive candidate experience, companies can greatly improve their recruitment process and attract top talent. Social media platforms provide a cost-effective and efficient way to reach a large pool of candidates, while ATSs streamline the recruitment process and help companies manage large volumes of applicants. A mobile-friendly career site ensures that job seekers can easily access information and apply for jobs on the go, while providing a positive candidate experience helps companies to stand out and make a positive impression on job seekers. By adopting these best practices, companies can greatly improve their recruitment process and attract the best talent in today’s competitive job market. 

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