What is ESG & Why HR Should Care?


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Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) is a set of criteria that businesses use to evaluate their performance beyond financial metrics. In today’s business landscape, ESG considerations have become increasingly important to investors, customers, and employees. This article will explore ESG in China and why HR professionals should care about it.

ESG in China

ESG in China

Overview of ESG development in China

China’s ESG development has come a long way in recent years. The Chinese government has made significant efforts to promote sustainable development and ESG principles, and the country has made considerable progress in addressing environmental concerns, including air and water pollution. However, China still faces various challenges in implementing ESG principles.

The Chinese government has been actively promoting ESG principles in the country’s business landscape, and the Chinese Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) has made ESG disclosures mandatory for listed companies. In 2019, the CSRC issued guidelines on ESG disclosures, which required listed companies to disclose ESG information in their annual reports.

China’s ESG development has also been driven by investors’ growing interest in sustainability. In recent years, there has been a surge in demand for ESG investment products in China, with ESG funds and ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds) growing in popularity. According to data from Morningstar, the total assets under management (AUM) of ESG funds in China grew from RMB 7.5 billion in 2016 to RMB 142.5 billion in 2020.

Furthermore, China’s ESG development has been aided by a growing awareness of ESG among Chinese consumers. Chinese consumers are becoming increasingly concerned about environmental and social issues, and companies that prioritize ESG considerations are likely to enjoy greater customer loyalty and brand recognition in the Chinese market.

However, despite these developments, China still faces various challenges in implementing ESG principles. One of the main challenges is the lack of standardized ESG reporting requirements. Although the CSRC has made ESG disclosures mandatory for listed companies, there is still no uniform set of guidelines for ESG reporting, and companies may report on different ESG factors and use different reporting frameworks.

Another challenge is the lack of ESG expertise and talent in China. Although there is growing interest in ESG among Chinese investors, there is a shortage of ESG experts and analysts who can provide in-depth ESG analysis and insights. Additionally, many Chinese companies lack the expertise to implement ESG principles effectively, particularly in areas such as sustainability reporting and supply chain management.

Moreover, China’s ESG development is also impacted by the country’s economic and political landscape. China’s state-owned enterprises (SOEs) play a significant role in the country’s economy, and many of these companies have a poor ESG record. While the government has made efforts to improve ESG practices among SOEs, progress has been slow, and many SOEs still face significant ESG challenges.

In short, China’s ESG development has come a long way in recent years, driven by the Chinese government’s efforts to promote sustainable development and ESG principles, investors’ growing interest in sustainability, and Chinese consumers’ growing awareness of environmental and social issues. However, China still faces various challenges in implementing ESG principles, including the lack of standardized ESG reporting requirements, the shortage of ESG expertise and talent, and the impact of China’s economic and political landscape on ESG practices among SOEs.

Why HR should care about ESG in China

A. Attraction and retention of talent

ESG considerations are becoming increasingly important for companies looking to attract and retain top talent, and this is particularly relevant in China. The country’s rapidly growing economy has led to a significant demand for skilled professionals, and many young professionals in China are increasingly concerned about environmental and social issues.

Companies that prioritize ESG considerations can benefit from a competitive advantage in attracting and retaining talent. For example, a recent study found that companies that focus on sustainability outperform their peers in terms of employee engagement, attracting and retaining top talent, and long-term financial performance.

Furthermore, companies that prioritize ESG considerations are likely to appeal to Chinese millennials, who are becoming increasingly conscious of environmental and social issues. A survey by Deloitte found that Chinese millennials are more likely to work for companies that prioritize sustainability, with 80% of respondents indicating that they would like to work for a company that prioritizes sustainability.

In addition to attracting top talent, prioritizing ESG considerations can also improve employee retention. Employees are more likely to stay with companies that align with their values and beliefs, and companies that prioritize ESG considerations are more likely to have a positive company culture that values social and environmental responsibility.

Moreover, companies that prioritize ESG considerations are more likely to offer their employees opportunities for professional development and career growth. Many ESG factors, such as sustainability reporting and supply chain management, require specialized skills and expertise. As companies adopt ESG practices, they are likely to offer training and development opportunities to employees who want to acquire these skills, leading to increased employee engagement and satisfaction.

In conclusion, companies in China that prioritize ESG considerations are likely to have a competitive advantage in attracting and retaining top talent. ESG considerations are particularly relevant to Chinese millennials, who are increasingly conscious of environmental and social issues, and companies that prioritize sustainability are more likely to appeal to this demographic. Furthermore, prioritizing ESG considerations can improve employee retention by aligning with employee values and providing opportunities for professional development and career growth.


B. Enhancing company reputation

In addition to attracting and retaining talent, prioritizing ESG considerations can also enhance a company’s reputation. Companies that prioritize ESG factors are viewed more positively by investors, customers, and other stakeholders.

One of the main benefits of prioritizing ESG considerations is that it can lead to improved financial performance. A study by MSCI found that companies with strong ESG performance have a lower cost of capital and are more likely to outperform their peers in the long term. Additionally, companies that prioritize ESG considerations are more likely to have a positive relationship with investors, who are increasingly looking for companies that prioritize sustainability and social responsibility.

Moreover, prioritizing ESG considerations can improve a company’s reputation with customers. Consumers are becoming increasingly concerned about environmental and social issues, and companies that prioritize ESG considerations are more likely to gain customer loyalty and support. For example, a study by Nielsen found that 66% of consumers are willing to pay more for sustainable products, and 73% of millennials are willing to pay more for products that come from companies that are socially and environmentally responsible.

Furthermore, prioritizing ESG considerations can improve a company’s reputation with other stakeholders, such as regulators and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Companies that prioritize ESG considerations are more likely to have positive relationships with regulators, who are increasingly focusing on sustainability and social responsibility. Additionally, companies that prioritize ESG considerations are more likely to have positive relationships with NGOs, who are increasingly influential in shaping public opinion on environmental and social issues.

In conclusion, prioritizing ESG considerations can enhance a company’s reputation with investors, customers, regulators, and other stakeholders. Companies that prioritize sustainability and social responsibility are more likely to have a positive financial performance, gain customer loyalty and support, and have positive relationships with regulators and NGOs. By prioritizing ESG considerations, companies in China can gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace and improve their long-term sustainability.

C. Legal and regulatory compliance

Prioritizing ESG considerations can also help companies in China ensure legal and regulatory compliance. As the Chinese government increasingly focuses on sustainability and social responsibility, companies that prioritize ESG considerations are more likely to comply with relevant laws and regulations.

For example, in recent years, the Chinese government has introduced a number of regulations related to environmental protection and social responsibility. In 2018, the government introduced a new set of environmental protection laws that impose stricter penalties on companies that violate environmental regulations. Additionally, the government has introduced regulations related to corporate social responsibility reporting and supply chain management.

Companies that prioritize ESG considerations are more likely to comply with these regulations and avoid penalties and reputational damage. By prioritizing sustainability and social responsibility, companies can ensure that they are following the relevant laws and regulations and avoid legal and regulatory risks.

Moreover, prioritizing ESG considerations can help companies build positive relationships with regulators. Regulators are increasingly focused on sustainability and social responsibility, and companies that prioritize ESG considerations are more likely to have positive relationships with regulators. This can lead to more favorable treatment from regulators and a more supportive regulatory environment.

In addition to complying with regulations, prioritizing ESG considerations can also help companies anticipate and mitigate regulatory risks. Companies that prioritize ESG considerations are more likely to be aware of emerging regulations and trends related to sustainability and social responsibility, and can take steps to adapt to these changes. This can help companies avoid legal and regulatory risks and ensure long-term sustainability.

In brief, prioritizing ESG considerations can help companies in China ensure legal and regulatory compliance, build positive relationships with regulators, and anticipate and mitigate regulatory risks. As the Chinese government increasingly focuses on sustainability and social responsibility, companies that prioritize ESG considerations are more likely to succeed in the marketplace and ensure long-term sustainability.

ESG in China 2023

Implementing ESG in HR practices

A. ESG considerations in recruitment

ESG considerations are becoming increasingly important in recruitment. Companies that prioritize sustainability and social responsibility are more likely to attract top talent, as employees are increasingly looking for employers that share their values.

When recruiting, companies in China should emphasize their commitment to ESG considerations and highlight their efforts to promote sustainability and social responsibility. This can include showcasing initiatives related to environmental protection, community development, and social responsibility.

Additionally, companies can use ESG considerations as a way to differentiate themselves from competitors and attract top talent. By emphasizing their commitment to sustainability and social responsibility, companies can show that they are forward-thinking and innovative, and that they are focused on long-term sustainability.

Moreover, companies can use ESG considerations as a way to assess potential employees. Companies can ask candidates about their experience with sustainability and social responsibility, and evaluate their values and commitment to these issues. This can help companies identify candidates who share their values and are likely to be strong contributors to their ESG initiatives.

Furthermore, companies can use ESG considerations as a way to develop and retain talent. By emphasizing their commitment to sustainability and social responsibility, companies can create a sense of purpose and engagement among employees. This can lead to higher levels of job satisfaction and retention, as employees are more likely to be engaged and committed to their work.

In addition, companies can use ESG considerations as a way to develop leadership and management skills among employees. By involving employees in ESG initiatives, companies can help develop their leadership and management skills, as well as their understanding of sustainability and social responsibility.

In conclusion, ESG considerations are becoming increasingly important in recruitment. Companies in China should emphasize their commitment to sustainability and social responsibility when recruiting, and use ESG considerations as a way to differentiate themselves from competitors and attract top talent. Companies can also use ESG considerations as a way to assess, develop, and retain talent, and create a sense of purpose and engagement among employees. By prioritizing ESG considerations in recruitment, companies can ensure long-term sustainability and success in the marketplace.

B. Employee engagement and ESG training

Employee engagement is crucial for the success of any ESG initiative. To ensure the success of ESG initiatives, companies in China should provide training and education to their employees on sustainability and social responsibility issues.

By providing ESG training, companies can help employees understand the importance of sustainability and social responsibility, and develop a sense of ownership and commitment to these issues. This can lead to higher levels of engagement and participation in ESG initiatives, and ultimately, greater success in achieving sustainability goals.

ESG training can also help employees develop new skills and knowledge related to sustainability and social responsibility. This can include training on environmental management systems, social responsibility reporting, and supply chain management. By providing employees with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in ESG initiatives, companies can create a more sustainable and socially responsible workplace.

Moreover, ESG training can be used as a way to develop leadership and management skills among employees. By involving employees in ESG initiatives, companies can help develop their leadership and management skills, as well as their understanding of sustainability and social responsibility. This can lead to more engaged and committed employees, and ultimately, a more sustainable and socially responsible workplace.

Additionally, ESG training can be used as a way to create a culture of sustainability and social responsibility within the company. By emphasizing the importance of sustainability and social responsibility, companies can create a shared sense of purpose and commitment among employees. This can lead to a more engaged and committed workforce, and ultimately, a more sustainable and socially responsible workplace culture.

In short, employee engagement and ESG training are crucial for the success of ESG initiatives in companies in China. By providing ESG training to employees, companies can create a more sustainable and socially responsible workplace, develop new skills and knowledge among employees, and create a culture of sustainability and social responsibility. By prioritizing employee engagement and ESG training, companies can ensure long-term sustainability and success in the marketplace.

ESG 2023

C. ESG performance evaluation and reporting

ESG performance evaluation and reporting is essential for companies in China to assess and communicate their sustainability and social responsibility performance to stakeholders. ESG performance evaluation involves measuring and monitoring the company’s environmental, social, and governance performance, while ESG reporting involves communicating this information to stakeholders, including investors, customers, employees, and the wider public.

To evaluate ESG performance, companies in China can use a range of tools and frameworks, such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), and the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). These tools and frameworks can help companies assess their ESG performance, identify areas for improvement, and communicate their performance to stakeholders.

Moreover, ESG reporting can be used as a way to demonstrate the company’s commitment to sustainability and social responsibility to stakeholders. By providing transparent and comprehensive ESG reporting, companies can show their stakeholders that they are taking ESG issues seriously and are committed to long-term sustainability.

Furthermore, ESG reporting can be used as a way to build trust and credibility with stakeholders. By providing accurate and reliable ESG information, companies can build trust with stakeholders, including investors, customers, and employees. This can lead to increased stakeholder confidence in the company’s ability to manage ESG risks and opportunities, and ultimately, better financial performance.

In addition, ESG reporting can be used as a way to improve the company’s ESG performance over time. By regularly evaluating and reporting on ESG performance, companies can identify areas for improvement and develop strategies to address these issues. This can lead to better ESG performance over time, and ultimately, a more sustainable and socially responsible company.

In brief, ESG performance evaluation and reporting are essential for companies in China to assess and communicate their sustainability and social responsibility performance to stakeholders. By using tools and frameworks to evaluate ESG performance, providing transparent and comprehensive ESG reporting, building trust and credibility with stakeholders, and improving ESG performance over time, companies can ensure long-term sustainability and success in the marketplace.


In conclusion, ESG issues are becoming increasingly important for companies in China, and HR professionals play a vital role in ensuring the success of ESG initiatives. By prioritizing attraction and retention of talent, enhancing company reputation, legal and regulatory compliance, ESG considerations in recruitment, employee engagement and ESG training, and ESG performance evaluation and reporting, companies can create a more sustainable and socially responsible workplace culture. By addressing ESG issues, companies in China can not only mitigate risks and comply with regulations but also achieve long-term sustainability and success in the marketplace.

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