What happens when employees have unused annual leaves in China?


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According to the provisions of the measures for the implementation of paid annual leave for employees, the employer shall make an overall arrangement for annual leave according to the specific conditions of production and work and considering the wishes of the employees themselves.

If the employer is really unable to arrange annual leave for employees due to work needs or arrange annual leave for another year, it shall obtain the consent of the employees themselves.

If the employer does not arrange annual leave with the consent of the employee or arranges the employee’s annual leave days to be less than the number of annual leave days that should be taken, the employer shall pay 300% of the daily wage income of the employee for the number of annual leave days that should be taken within the current year, including the wage income paid by the employer to the employee during the normal working period.

If the employer arranges the employee to take annual leave, but the employee puts in writing that he/she will not take annual leave for his/her own reasons, the employer may only pay the salary income during the normal working period.

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