Cissy Shi

Senior partner in MHP law firm

Cissy Shi

Contact information

Mobile phone and WeChat: 18016391122

Professional qualifications

Member of Shanghai Law Society
Member of Shanghai Institute of Labor and Social Security
Distinguished Professor of East China Normal University Law School
Invited experts from many well-known human resources organizations
8090 Youth Base specially hired entrepreneurship tutor
Signed author of the law column of LexisNexis and Wolters Kluwe
Special experts of Labor Daily
National secondary psychological consultant

Relevant working experience

Cissy Shi had been working as a judge in Shanghai Court for over 10 years and had dealt with nearly two thousand cases. As a leader of the Labor Dispute Trial Group, Cissy Shi served in the commercial division and labor division of the court. Cissy Shi had repeatedly won the Shanghai excellent court written judgment, business experts, etc. Cissy Shi tried the first case of a labor dispute involving fines for obstructing civil proceedings and had been filmed legal record films.

Now Cissy Shi is a senior partner in MHP law firm, with rich lawyer practice experience. Cissy Shi has an extraordinary high winning rate of litigation cases and handles non-litigation projects very well. The first transgender labor dispute rights protection case Cissy Shi has undertaken was highly influential throughout the country, and was listed as one of the top ten influential cases of China’s Social Law in 2019.

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