What is the procedure to apply for the PU letter in China?


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The procedure to apply for the PU letter requires the Chinese company to work in cooperation with the Foreign Affair Office. The steps are highlighted below:

  • The Chinese entity (company) must liaise with the Foreign Affairs Office of the district where company is registered for the PU letter application
  • The Foreign Affairs Office of the district will send a list of required documents to the company
  • The company prepares the required documents and submits these to the Foreign Affairs Office of the relevant district for a first round review
  • The Foreign Affairs District Office submits the application documents to the Foreign Affairs Office of the local Municipal Government (Shanghai, Guangzhou, Beijing etc.) for PU letter approval
  • The Foreign Affairs Office of the Municipal Government issues the PU letter for the foreign invitation.

There are additional stipulations:

  • The invitee should be an employee of the China-based company.
  • Documentary proof, such as a copy of the existing China work permit, or the Notification Letter of Foreigner’s Work Permit for a new contract should be provided.
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