
Employer of Record

Build your team in China effortlessly, no local entity required. We serve as the employer on paper, handling all employment matters while you focus on leading your team.

What is an Employer of Record (EOR)?

An Employer of Record (EOR) is a third-party service provider that acts as the official employer for your employees. This arrangement allows businesses to hire globally without establishing a legal entity in each location. The EOR handles all administrative, legal, and compliance responsibilities, allowing you to efficiently manage your global workforce while focusing on core operations.

EOR is also known as employment outsourcing, employment solution, or employee leasing.

In China, EORs are sometimes referred to as Foreign Enterprise Service Companies (FESCo).


why you need eor

In Which Situations Clients Need an EOR

How EOR Works ?

The EOR legally employs workers on behalf of the client company, managing employment contracts, payroll, and compliance.

The EOR takes care of all payroll processing, including salary payments, tax withholdings, and social insurance contributions. They also manage employee benefits such as health insurance and retirement plans.

The EOR oversees HR tasks including recruitment, onboarding, performance management, and offboarding.

Ensure that all employment practices comply with local laws and regulations.

Benefits of Using an EOR:

These are some of the most popular reasons why clients use HROne’s Employer of Record service.
sourcing and QA manager in China employer of record

Compliance Assurance

Ensures adherence to local employment laws, reducing the risk of penalties and legal issues.

Hire a sales representative in China employer of record

Cost Efficiency

Avoids the high costs and complexities associated with setting up and maintaining a legal entity in a foreign country.

Hire a sourcing manager in China

Quick Market Entry

Facilitates rapid entry into new markets without lengthy setup processes.

Focus on Core Business

Allows businesses to concentrate on their primary activities by outsourcing HR responsibilities.

Access to Global Talent

Ideal for companies that require a small local team to manage business relationships within China, such as sourcing operations or software development, without the necessity of establishing a Chinese entity.

the business

Risk Mitigation

Minimizes risks related to employment law violations and administrative errors.

Benefits of Using an EOR in China

HROne is a one-stop HR solution providing services from hiring to comprehensive HR admin. Partner with, and trust HROne, your employees will be in good hands.

Navigating Complex Regulations

China has intricate labor laws. An EOR ensures compliance with these regulations, including payroll, social insurance, and employee benefits, thereby reducing legal risks.

Cost and Time Savings

Setting up a legal entity in China can be both expensive and time-consuming. An EOR allows businesses to start operations quickly and cost-effectively.

Local Expertise

EORs in China possess deep knowledge of local business practices, cultural nuances, and regulatory requirements

Efficient Payroll and Benefits Management

EORs manage payroll and benefits in accordance with Chinese regulations, ensuring timely and accurate payments.

Flexibility in Hiring

An EOR offers the flexibility to hire local and foreign employees, as well as contractors.

Risk Reduction

By assuming employer liabilities and ensuring compliance with local laws, an EOR mitigates the risks associated with employment in China.

Focus on Business Growth

With an EOR handling HR responsibilities, businesses can focus on core operations and strategic initiatives.

Enhanced Employee Experience

EORs provide competitive benefits packages and efficient HR support, boosting employee satisfaction and retention.

Key Services Provided by HROne

Key Processes of HROne EOR Service

#1: Client Onboarding

  • Initial Meeting: Virtual introduction between client and Account Manager.
  • Policy Introduction: Overview of relevant policies and online portal functionalities.
  • Process and Template Confirmation: Agreement on work calendar, processes, templates, benefits, and salary structure.
  • System Setup: Configuration of client-specific policies and templates in HROne’s system.
  • System Access: Providing the client with access to HROne’s system.
  • Employee Onboarding: Initial employees are onboarded ( see detailed process below).
  • Service Start: Official commencement of services.

#2: Employee Onboarding

  • Introduction: Client introduces the new employee to HROne.
  • Employment Details Confirmation: Finalizing salary, benefits, and employment conditions.
  • Authorization: New employee signs a privacy authorization letter.
  • Information Collection: Gathering necessary data from the new employee.
  • Payment Preparation: Preparing the first payment notice, including any deposits.
  • Confirmation and Payment: Client confirms and pays the first payment notice.
  • Contract Signing: Signing of the labor contract between HROne and the new employee.
  • System Setup: Adding the new employee’s information to HROne’s system.
  • Account Setup: Establishing social insurance, housing fund, and bank accounts for the new employee.
  • System Access: Providing the new employee with access to HROne’s system.
  • Service Start: Official commencement of services for the new employee.


#3. Monthly Processing

  • Policy Updates: Informing the client of any changes in government policies.
  • Information Exchange: Client provides payroll-related information.
  • Payment Preparation: Preparing the payment notice.
  • Confirmation and Payment: Client confirms and pays the payment notice.
  • Salary Disbursement: HROne pays the employees’ salaries.
  • System Updates: Updating the system with paystubs and reports.
  • Compliance: Payment of social insurances, housing fund, and individual income taxes.

#4. Year-End Processing

  • Calendar Confirmation: Confirming the work calendar for the upcoming year.
  • Annual Report Preparation: Preparing the annual salary report, including data on offboarded employees.
  • Report Confirmation: Client confirms the annual salary report.
  • Submission: Submitting the report to government authorities.
  • Policy Updates: Briefing the client on new government policies.
  • Policy Implementation: Implementing updated policies in the system.
  • Data Management: Removing data of offboarded employees upon request.
  • Compliance: Filing mandatory benefits, social insurance, and housing fund.

#5. Employee Offboarding

  • Termination Briefing: Client explains the reason for termination.
  • Solution Provision: HROne provides a professional termination solution.
  • Solution Confirmation: Client confirms the solution.
  • Documentation: Completing termination documents with the employee.
  • Payment Preparation: Preparing the payment notice for severance payment.
  • Confirmation and Payment: Client confirms and pays the severance payment.
  • Severance Payment: Processing the severance payment.
  • Termination Certificate: Issuing the termination certificate.
  • Account Management: Transferring or archiving related accounts and removing system access if required.
  • Case Closure: Ensuring all unsettled cases are closed.
  • Refund: Refunding the deposit balance.

#6. Client Offboarding

  • Service Termination: Confirming the termination of the service.
  • Handover Process: Confirming the handover process, including accounts, materials, and information.
  • Employee Offboarding Plan: Confirming the plan for offboarding employees.
  • Final Payment Preparation: Preparing the last payment notice, including any historical balance.
  • Confirmation and Payment: Client confirms and pays the last payment notice.
  • Employee Offboarding: Offboarding the employees.
  • Handover Completion: HROne hands over accounts, materials, and information to the client.
  • Case Closure: Ensuring all unsettled cases are closed.
  • Refund: Refunding the deposit balance.
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